Sunday, July 3, 2016

Death of a friend Part 2

Scroll down and Read Part I first or this won't make sense.
So, let me “finish” my girlfriend story.
When Kevin died, Caroline and I weren’t speaking, hadn’t in fact for about three years.  We had gotten into something by email and when she went into a rage she could be so destructive and abusive, I let her go.  Kevin wanted to get us back together and after all that time and hardly even remembering what we had argued about, we were in tentative talks to maybe do that.  Then he died.  I didn’t know it, of course, and we were in Gainesville that summer that we rented a little house near the campus for six weeks.  I don’t answer calls from unidentified numbers and I had gotten one from an unknown number, and then I got a call from someone asking me to call Caroline, which I wasn’t too keen to do without talking to Kevin first.  Somehow I ended up hearing from her neighbor I think that he had been killed, and I was so stunned and bereft that I wailed and cried and felt sorry for myself and then realized that she must be lost completely.  She was estranged from her oldest son (for all those reasons that we weren’t speaking), and Kevin wasn’t just her beloved son, he was her lifeline.  He lived about a half hour away and visited her weekly, picked up her medication for her, smoked a little pot with her, and talked with her in a way few people would believe.  They were so honest with each other! 
So, I went to the funeral.  She actually sent me the ticket and paid for my hotel room and bought me a tire when I blew mine out on the highway.  She could be so generous and loving and effusively lavish with praise as well.  No one in the world could tell you how wonderful and special you were better than she, and no one could cut you off at the knees and find your most vulnerable spot and exploit it like she could. I would believe her assessment:  I was wonderful and talented and brilliant and funny, and  I also took to heart when she told me I was narcissistic and insensitive, that she hated me and never wanted me in her life and to drop dead.  It was horrendous, her wrath.  Eventually, not only forgiving me (for what, I’m not sure, never was sure but decided to let it go for Kevin’s sake) she involved me in her life – she had no one else, remember?  I was a co-signer on her bank account and it was substantial because of Kevin’s life insurance monies, she consulted me on everything and finally came to south Florida and stayed in a nearby motel for two weeks before deciding to move to south Florida in spite of the fact that she had a son in Atlanta who had encouraged her to move near him, which made a lot more sense to me.  I didn’t want to be responsible for her and most of all, I didn’t want what I would get if she decided she was angry with me again, which of course happened in fairly short order.  And I was just so done.  She had told me to drop dead one time too many and I told her if she ended up in the hospital she could call me, but nothing short of absolute emergency.  And she angrily agreed and assured me she had “friends.”  People I could see would take advantage of her.  For all her brilliance, (genius I.Q.) she was so naïve about people.  If they told her they liked her, well they must, right? God.  
So time passed; I wrote my novels she had so strongly encouraged me to write and I even thought about taking them to her and leaving them on her door stoop but never did.  Then she called one day; I saw on my cell phone that it was her number and I just couldn’t bring myself to answer it and she left no message.  I got home and she had called the house, too and left no message.  A few months later Chris called me to tell me she had moved back to South Carolina – Greenville, where Kevin had lived – and that she had committed suicide.  Something about smothering.  I imagine a plastic bag but I can’t figure out what she did with her hands to keep them from trying to save herself.  She had always threatened suicide and even made a few attempts (at least that what she told me).  Finally, she had succeeded.  Her landlord found her and called Chris and he called me.  I will always regret my spinelessness at not picking up the damn phone.  Maybe she was saying she was leaving to go back to where she had been close to Kevin, maybe she was telling me she forgave me, maybe she was going to tell me to come get whatever I wanted of hers, maybe she was calling to tell me to go to hell, but I could have survived that,  couldn’t I?  Now I’ll never know what she was calling about.  Her silence is deafening.  In my whole life I have had wonderful friends, stable, some not so stable, sweet, concerned, encouraging friends.  But I never had a friend like her.  She just didn’t let me get away with anything.  Not a single, tiny  rationalization.  No chance to deceive myself with self-talk as long as she was around.  No lame excuses. We wrote long, long letters to each other as well as even using a tape recorder to “talk” letters that she had in a box that all went wherever her stuff, an entire apartment full of it, went because she “hired” some neighbors to bring it to her and of course they didn’t.  Just didn’t – everything she owned except what she must have been able to get into her car.  I don’t even know what happened to her cat, Missy.  She must have sat in that apartment in South Carolina feeling so lost and betrayed and alone.  She needed very strong medication for a severe back injury – narcotic strong – and apparently she couldn’t get it because she needed to get a new doctor, etc. etc.  Bureaucracy. 

 I ducked out.  I was a coward.  Just because I didn’t want her to hurt me again – as only she could do.  When someone you believe loves you and they turn on you and say horrible, hurtful things – things designed to hit in all your soft places, it’s hard to turn the other cheek and consider the source – she really was ill; I know that.  Probably Borderline Personality Disorder.  I had a few of them as clients when I was in practice and they were impossible.  They either loved you – you were the best – or they couldn’t believe you were supposed to be their therapist, you were so vile.  That was her to a tee.  So, I know.  I know.  But still.  Come on, what would it have cost me to answer the fucking phone?  Apparently whatever it was, I wasn’t willing to pay it.  Several people have encouraged me to let myself off the hook – you took enough, you had no reason to believe it wouldn’t have been more of the same, blah blah blah.  They are all well-meaning, I know.  They love me, after all.  But she would tell me the truth – I was a coward.  And she would be right.  I regret most the things I didn’t do over the things I actually did.  And that goes to the top of the list.  I ignored her call, and I don’t get another chance.  She died horribly, my friend.  I don’t believe in God or in heaven.  She did – she was sure she would see Kevin again.  I hope she was right.

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